Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I can haz cheeseburger?

Monday went back to being an average day.  Didn't really eat out or anything, well, I had some fries for dinner with some buffalo chicken that was not breaded and somehow still delicious.  Talk about satisfying a craving!  Ha!  Excellent!  Breakfast was a glass of orange juice to rid myself of some hiccups and a handful of tootsies.  Lunch was this scrumdidiliomcious (no guesses found) thai meal, a soda and some pears.  

Lately I've had nothing but homework homework homework and so eating hasn't been a main priority.  Monday definitely was not.  By 2h30 all of my snacks to last me until 8h30 were gone.  No more raisins, no more fruit snacks, no more tootsies in my backpack even!  Somehow I soldiered on till after class but it certainly wasn't easy.  My stomach was eating itself.  

Today, though, I remembered I bought rice cakes when I went shopping.  Good ol' Quaker caramel rice cakes (and they even advertise GLUTEN FREE very largely)!  I ate half a package today...whoops!  But they're just so darn good (and they consist of nothing but air)!  Also I ate broccoli and cheese and a salad as large as my head but found that my snacking was way way down.  There's just too much to do.  No time to eat. 

It's late and it's Tuesday and I have a huge paper due tomorrow and work early in the morning and I just want a flippin' cheeseburger and 8 solid hours of sleep but know I won't get either.  I'm sleeping 11-4am looks like, just to try to get by.  One more night of this tomorrow.  And thursday, although I still will have another (topic undecided) paper due Friday by 5 (in French, work till 4h30), I will finally sleep.  

This assignment is definitely over, and has been for a few days, but still I soldier on.  I'm going to keep on soldiering on because really, I'm just having a blast.  Pizza, My mom suggests.  Psh!  Who needs it.  Not when I've got deviled eggs and potato soup.  Not when I've got meat and vegetables and fruit and dairy and a general sense of culinary richness that will last as long as I feel like.  And after that?

Gluten conscious.  Not so much with the gluten in the home.  Away?  Perhaps occasionally.  I'm all for rearranging that food pyramid.  Gluten - use sparingly.  Tootsie Rolls 6-12 servings a day.  Check!  

I did end up losing a bit of weight - but not too terribly much AND I'm sure I've gained it back in the amount of tootsies I've eaten in three days.  I'm not too worried.  You can't see any bones you couldn't see before and call me crazy, but I think that's a sign of success.  I can't imagine this week or this past weekend if I weren't gluten free.  Bogged down with bread and pastas, I never would have made it.  Granted, the week is still early, I still may or may not make it - but if I go out, at least I know there's nothing I could've done in my favor.  My body's feeling the best its felt since I was you know, working out regularly, and that makes this probably the best homework assignment in history.  

Saturday I think I'll write that sonnet.  

And as for this blog?  Well I guess she should probably stick around.  At least till I write that sonnet for nothing but bragging rights.  Yeah, well I wrote a sonnet about being gluten free for two weeks here's a link!  Bam.  Street cred.  

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