Sunday, February 28, 2010


So I've been a little ... distracted... sue me.  But I have been up to a ton of eating.  Monical's opened the door for a flood of eating out, something I haven't been doing much of at all so far this year until I decided to go gluten free.  

Last time I had a chance to check in was Wednesday, and I do certainly feel badly about that.  I'm going to keep going for another week and try to get back in the habit of writing every night while I wait for dinner to cook.  Yeah, definitely.  

Thursday night and old friend came back to town and after work, we decided to go for some dinner.  She chose the Coffee House (best quesadillas uptown I'd say) and I was excited because I knew of their huge vegan/vegetarian selection.  Fallacy - I thought this everyone's-welcome-we-cater-t0-all-types-of-alternative-eating would translate to gluten free but it certainly did not.  I ate the only two gluten free things on the menu I could find for dinner - oven fries and chips and salsa.  Everything else was either glutenized or served with a big heaping mass of gluten.  I was so disappointed!  Coffee House!  Get with the program.  I also had an Orangina which may or may not have been the most satisfying part of that meal.  Needless to say, I was totally unsatisfied and chose to make up those extra calories in tootsie rolls.  


Oh!  but how could I forget Wednesday night's ridiculousness.  Midterm in my anthro class, but afterwards she wanted us to stay and watch this movie for funsies.  She even admitted to the funsies, tried lamely to make an excuse to how it might potentially be relevant, but then went back to the original explanation of "relaxing/fun."  What's great about movies in that class is that she brings in snacks...but she brings one of those Sam's Club sized boxes of a billion fun-sized chips from the frito-lays company.  Remembering the barbecue lays disaster from the night before I didn't really get my hopes up.  Turns out regular lays I can actually eat.  I can also eat Fritos and Cheetos but not Doritos or Sunchips.  Not bad I'd say.  Not bad at all.  So that was cool and the tv series we started was pretty cool/funny/nuts also.  I'm so glad I stayed.  

Friday, I ate out AGAIN!  Went to the Garlic Press Café and was so thrilled.  For two places that cater to similar crowds, I was astonished at the variety I had to choose from in the deli case and how clearly and largely it was marked GF.  I had an amazing dinner of crustless quiche and both potato and cucumber salads.  Excellent.  

Saturday was Noodles and Co., a place I never thought I'd eat!  I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.  Their pad thai is made with rice noodles and they so graciously let you substitute any noodle in any dish.  Making gluten free fast & easy on the go pasta was as easy as that!  And scrumptious too!  The texture is certainly one to get used to, but I was really excited about my noodles experience and will definitely go again soon.  

Also this day I got back into the kitchen briefly while trying to avoid doing some homework and had a lovely meal of mac 'n cheese and some steamed vegetables.  Potatoes, red peppers, sugar snap peas.  I feel like what I'm lacking in bread starch I'm certainly making up for in potatoes.  I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing.  This week (perhaps next weekend) there's some homemade gluten-free bread in my future but for now the potatoes will do certainly.  This mac 'n cheese was from Annie's and it was spectacular.  I was so excited and happy with this meal.  I thought the cheese sauce was flavorful and much better than even Kraft mac 'n cheese or the Glutino stuff I had that first night.  On a separate and not really related note: I really love my camera.  My food almost got cold during this photoshoot.  Oh well, certainly worth it.  Look at that texture!  

But this brings us finally back to today!  This entry has been epic I know, but I'll do my best not to fall so behind again.  Lunch started with Gluten free corn dogs from 'Sbetter or something like that.  This company also makes gluten free buffalo wings and gluten free chicken tenders.  If they taste anything like the corn dogs COUNT ME IN.  I could do gluten free easily and forever if not for the fact that I miss buffalo wings like none other.  Couldn't begin to tell you why but I do.  Miss 'em most out of anything.  I keep saying I'll use that gluten free all-purpose flour to batter some chicken breasts and make myself a buffalo chicken wrap on a corn tortilla or something but it's yet to happen.  

These corn dogs though - very, very good except for the fact that they just sort of crumbled apart.  The outside part fell away on what looked like pre-carved fault lines which destroyed any chance of eating it actually on the stick.  That's okay, too phallic for my tastes anyway.  Fork please.  Also in the freezer - gluten free waffles that I'm interested in eating.  

For dinner we went out again. Chili's.  I was also pretty impressed with Chili's.  They had a really great allergen menu on the internet you can download that shows the things you can eat on the menu if you have any of the common eight allergies.  I thought I had it bad - at least I'm not allergic to soy!  
 Here's a small photograph of the menu.  You probably can't read that.  Oh well.  The point is, it was nicely broken down and I ordered something that was really satisfying that I've never thought to order.  I forget what it was called.  One of those chicken dishes.  The one with barbecue sauce, cheese, and bacon on top.  Pretty good I'd say.  How strange that the hardest time I've had with this limitation and eating out has been at the Coffee House.  How strange and disappointing.  

Here's to one more week!  

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shh I'm at Work

It's been a while, whoops, but sadly I eat pretty much the same thing everyday. I eat the majority of the stuff on this list:
tootsie rolls
gummy bear vitamins

But cool things have occurred! I had a surprisingly good Amy's lunch of very cheesy enchiladas. Didn't look a thing like the box (I've got pictures), but was very very tasty. Yay for no gluten!

Also, yesterday, in my History of the English Language class, I got to watch someone else meticulously look through the ingredients of the snack someone brought to see if it was alright. She got off okay, she got to eat the bread and jam. I, on the other hand, could not eat the bread (thus eliminating the jam and the wonderful smelling mango chutney), nor could I eat the potato chips! POTATO CHIPS! I SHOULD BE ABLE TO EAT POTATO CHIPS!
Just some regular ol' Lays Barbecue potato chips. Denied. For barley flour. Why on earth did they need to add barley flour?! Grr. I can have chips and salsa. So I went home and I did.

Today is gluten free chili from a frozen package and stuff on that list. I am a creature of habits. I am a creature without time to be bothered with silly eating.  This chili was excellent.  I loved the big chunks of meat and the good amount of heat.  Added a touch of sugar (been in the family for years) and it was really delicious.  

I made brownies! Betty Crocker Gluten-free brownies. They're not bad! Not bad at all. I wish I had thought about it earlier, it would've been fun to bring 'em to class. BROWNIES FOR ALL!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yes I Can Mexican

Excuse the poor quality of this picture.  We'll go backwards tonight.  Dinner was this lovely chicken and tortilla soup that packs some killer heat  but is delicious supreme and wonderfully easy to make.  Went to my mom's, cooked my family some soup, watched some HGTV with my mother and played a little playstation with my pa.  Unfortunately, I made this great little dish and forgot my Nikon - leaving us all with the not-so-great quality of a phone camera.  Apologies.  What's missing is the chihuahua cheese on top but it's already been melted in at this point, no worries.  

For Lunch I had a little left-over pizza and some salad.  Quite a few snacks - the same ol' same ol'.  I find that I get into these little food niches where I want something all the time for two or four or six weeks and then I won't eat it or think to eat it again for months if not years.  I especially do this with yogurt.  Right now it's diced pears which I'm eating literally every day.  Also applesauce.  Also salad.  Also oatmeal.  So I'm a convert, it's convenient, tasty, and filling!  

Breakfast explains that little entry from a bit ear
lier.  Sausage, eggs, orange juice, oatmeal - 'twas a breakfast of champions.  I am a champion.  For later I have this great picture of all of the Tootsie I've acquired recently.  Be on the look-out.  

Oh and this!
I love this.  I can't eat this.  :( 
Hot and Spicy (or something like that) Mix from Fresh Market.  $5.99/lb.  Worth every friggin' penny.  
I love this.  I can't eat this.  :( 
And yet here it was in my possession.  Pick up our favorite Fresh Market mix, Danielle, says my mom.  Bring it to me.  Watch me eat it.  MM how good. 

Somewhere in the First Draft of Genesis

And on the seventh day, God did not rest but said, "Let there be sausage so that my people will never doubt me in its presence" and so it was and thusly the world was created.  

Eating Out 19

The hysteria continues:
What about gluten-saturated (this is now the opposite of gluten free) partners?! How long from when they eat say, a sandwich and when you can lay one on them?! Does it stick around? Wheat fumes?? You are what you eat they say,* I mean, what about doin' know... how dangerous?! EEP!**

What a perilous life I have one more week to live! Oy vey!

That aside moving on now okay. Yesterday was a fine day for eating. Kind of skipped the breakfast thing, but I was far too busy reading reading reading (La Peste). Leftover Chinese for breakfastlunch that meal that is sort of in between. Followed by practically no snacking before my huge nap. The greatness happened after the nap.

We went out to eat!

Cool, huh! Yeah, definitely! So originally the plan was "hey let's go out for lunch" which would have been fine because you don't have to really get dressed much to do lunch, it's not that big ordeal of dinner eating, except for then I would've been in a tight bind to try to find things to eat for dinner and I mean, I was wearing my tribute to yellow outfit that totally wasn't going to fly in Biaggi's where we were going (as I hear its got a nice gluten-free menu) and that is an outfit hardly fit to go anywhere except for maybe the library and the garlic press café (also great for the gluten-free) that just wasn't ticklin' my fancy yesterday if you catch my drift. Run. on. So I just ate a little lunch at my own house and moved this date to dinnertime.

We went to Monical's thanks to a tip from a friend. They must have very, very recently added gluten-free pizzas, but they did! Monical's is certainly one of my favorite pizza places in town and I was so pleasantly surprised! dinner: We got a couple of salads and some fries to start but for dinner we got separate pizzas because the gluten-free one only comes in 10 1/2in. (and because someone ::ahem:: doesn't like meat on their pizza. Ugh!

It came out and lo and behold, it was truly very good. Different, you could totally tell it wasn't made with the same flour, but definitely tasty in that acquired once-you-get-used-to-this-it-tastes-perfectly-normal-and-you-could-never-go-back-to-the-regular-kind sort of way like diet soda. The crust is sliiightly thicker than the thin crust but it's practically negligible - we're talking millimeters here at the most - and it's flakier, kind of like a pie crust. You know, it's a little sweeter like a pie crust too. The Other said it tastes kind of like a Cheez-It and I kind of get it except for it's not crammed with the taste of real cheddar cheese into each tiny square.

I ate a ton of everything. Way too much. I was very full (but not bloated I-need-a-nap-full) so then we shopped it off. Fine fine evening but very low on the eating stuff front.

Oh and I guess I ate my weight in Tootsie Rolls between yesterday and the day before but that's a whole 'nother can of worms....

::edit:: I forgot my appendage!  Whoops!

*When I say this I think of Michael Pollan's bit in The Omnivore's Dilemma where he talks about how because of the carbon type that makes up corn, it changes our make-up and so you can do tests on people to find out what they eat mostly and now we eat more corn than those Native peoples who call themselves the corn people.  

**This may or may not be as scandalous as it sounds 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Supreme Mouth Opening?

So, do allergies count for things not ingested through the mouth orifice?  This is the question of the day.  Really, it is the question of last night, but so it carries into the morning and thus it carries here.  

What if some wheat flour or something were to accidentally get somewhere else?  Naked bread making, say.  Would that count?  Send me to the emergency room?  That's extraordinarily unlikely of course but hypothetically, in some grand What If, hospitalization?  This comes from this moment of HORROR (we're talking sheer terror) when I was in the shower and thought What about my shampoo?!
Shampoo indeed.  I use a homemade shampoo and as I was lathering I remembered - THE GLUTEN!?!  

Right there.  On the label.  Wheat protein and starch.  Oh nuts!  I mean, I didn't eat it, but it was on my head... there are pores there!  And hair holes!  Should I be examining my lotions?  My whatever else??  I have no idea.  WHAT ABOUT BREATHING?? This calls for research I think.  

Till then - forget showers!  Pft!   Clean till proven otherwise. 

It's not looking good for the Salty Dawg.  I did see something that included products w/ gluten in them like lip balm, medicine, and vitamins, but those are related directly to the mouth.  Other than that, I'm not finding much.  As far as I'm concerned, I'm not calling 911 but I guess I'll use a different shampoo for a week.  

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tootsie Rolls not Donut Holes

Today was a good day. Productive. Filled with good things.

I came to the realization today that no, this isn't more expensive than my regular life style when it comes to my food habits, this is easily and entirely sustainable. I am feeling good. Really really good. I am paying for convenience and gluten-free convenience doesn't come cheap. It's not easy. It probably shouldn't be cheap.

In all actuality, no food should probably be "cheap." It's like - you go to the store and you pay a ton for fresh fruits and veggies that will last a week at best before they're gone or what's left goes bad or you go to walmart where you can pick up your soaps and furniture and dvd player and bicycle and pants and scrapbooking material in addition to processed foods up the wazoo and when you pay a ton you've got food to last you for a month or even maybe longer that's fast and easy and some paradoxical combination of extra-meganutritious and deadly. So you go back and you say well psh I don't have time to cook but I do have time for pizza rolls and you say well psh i can't afford to eat these fruits and vegetables I don't have time to prepare anyway and so the prices of those things goes up and you say whoa the prices are even more outrageous when I could spend the same amount on 3 apples as I would on a whole meal for my family. But really it's like you pay a ton for fruits and vegetables and meats and stuff but like, that's what food is supposed to cost and the rest, that cheap stuff has somehow become cheap for a reason that I am sure isn't for the betterment of the American peoples.

Know what I'm sayin'??



French Fries

hot & spicy beef


Thursday, February 18, 2010

squirrel in eastern europe

Today has been even stranger than yesterday as far as eating goes.  I feel like a little squirrel hoarding stuff in my backpack eating a little here, eating a little there.  Didn't really do breakfast except for some coffee but spent the day snacking on raisins and pears and applesauce and fruitsnacks and those amazing cookies and whatever else.

Lunch: megasalad.  I've been craving lettuce so I ate lettuce.  Straight romaine practically.  A touch of french dressing seeing as my Hidden Valley is not acceptable.  Grr. 

Dinner: meat and potatoes! 

mm there's this place in my heart eternally for sausage and potatoes.  It ended up being delicious what with the light butter and chive sauce on the roasted potatoes.  Finally something typically heavier that I feel like I ate a fair amount of but still this like undying ravishing hunger is getting to me.  

What I really want is some candy.  I don't have any.  I shouldn't have any.  I am toying with the idea of making a dessert to satisfy my sweet tooth but it's probably not going to happen.  I don't think I'm really hungry.  I can't quite tell anymore.   It might still just be my body freakin' out from a fairly dramatic all-of-a-sudden change in what I give it.  And on top of the new diet I also re-introduced a little yoga and got back on my bicycle.  

Some combination of these life changes are doing me good.  I feel energetic and even better - I don't feel heavy anymore.  I don't get that I'm-so-bloated-I-just-ate-my-weight-in-bread-and-pasta-I-can't-move-for-six-hours-I-need-a-nap-before-anyone-can-talk-to-me feeling.  I am sleeping a lot - but I think it's the drugs and sickness 'cause I'm not really tired... I just am sleeping.  There's a difference.  

Toothless Ruthless

I'm learning that this is a very light kind of diet.  I need some bread to anchor my belly!  I don't.  But I am finding that I have to change the way I am eating and that's totally fine.  Three meals a day just doesn't cut it.  I am STARVING by the time it gets to the next one.  It's more of a eat every three or four hours sort of deal.  Eat till I'm not hungry/full and then I'm ready for more a few hours later.  And it's not something I feel bad about.  Without having to really worry about it, I'm eating healthier things and using them as fuel not as funtimes eating for no reason.   It's enjoyable fuel, but uh, you know, fuel.  

Yesterday was painful and terrible.  Teeth you know?  Those drugs were messing me up.  Also messing up my eating schedule.  


fruit snacks 
mcdo fries

crustless sausage and cheese quiche

Yesterday is over.  Today is much better.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day Two

Hooray for a first gluten-free advertised quick and easy meal!  

I went to the grocery today and forgot my list of not okay ingredients, but I think I did a pretty good job.  Some stuff I'll need to check against the list before I eat it just to make sure -- but I'm fairly certain I'm in the clear.  This won't be so bad.  

Stopped at Naturally Yours of course first for their gluten free aisles so I could get quick stuff and also flour substitute for bread/muffins/other assorted baked goods.  The plan was to eat mostly natural things, eat mostly stuff that takes its energy from the sun or one step removed.  And I mean, it's still part of the plan ... but there were so many goodies!  I spent a small fortune but I can't wait to try stuff out.  

fun fact: Captain Crunch - gluten free.  

I bought cookies and 
pastas and easy lunchtime meals.  I bought juice and cereal and brownie mix and fruit snacks and vegetables.  THIS IS FUN!  I could do this for realsies!  

Hah, so tonight is mac 'n cheese because I'm eating so late and because of dentist's orders.  I'm supposed to eat soft foods for some days (they took my remaining two wisdom teeth) which canceled my chicken and balsamic vegetables over rice plan.  The hygienist suggested a list of foods to eat that were all things I thought I couldn't eat due to the wheat thing and my lactose thing but imagine my surprise to find gluten-free mac 'n cheese first thing!  The first item on her list!  Check! Cart! Purchase! Success!  Tasted like easy mac!  I'd definitely do that again.  

Cookies later?  I think so, as a reward for doing some homework finally.  

What else? 

Breakfast!  So easy so easy!  I can eat whatever I want except for toast...and donuts...but that's another story.  I got so excited for some Dunkin' before remembering it's not coffee and donuts without the donut.  Sadday.  I found gluten-free donuts today, too, but they were frozen and that made me a little nervous... Besides, they weren't crullers so they were hardly even donuts.  

Tomorrow will be interesting, it's one of my long days.  9-9 with few breaks (four classes and a morning at work) means usually foods I can keep in my backpac
k all day and munch on constantly.  Usually granola bars and sandwiches, goldfish, that sort of thing.  Not tomorrow.  I hope I picked up enough to last.  I'm sure it'll be fine.  Soft, transportable, gluten-free foods.   Gee, great. 

cheesy eggs

bloody gauze. 

gluten-free macaroni and cheese

snickerdoodles!  gluten-free and DELICIOUS soft and chewy

Monday, February 15, 2010


I forgot a few things I suppose and there is always more to add.  

Other things I ate today - pineapple.  Day one gluten free has been a fair success.  I should eat more.  I do normally when I feel better.  

After dinner I indulged in a bowl of icecream and a package of Skittles.  Both of these were bad ideas.  I did take a lactaid before the icecream, but the Skittles had to go before my dentist appointment tomorrow, I couldn't have the temptation.  

Speaking of temptation - for tomorrow, let's talk about this weird occupied france craving for some bread and butter.  What I would give for some bread and butter.  

It's been eight hours.  

And So It Begins....

The trouble started with dinner - my first actual meal of the day.  I suppose you could say the trouble started with the assignment but that would be a lie as anyone would tell you I've been looking forward to this all weekend.  This is exactly what I wanted.  This is not what I wanted.  I'm not into vitamins but I'm fairly sure if I don't add one to my diet for the next two weeks I'll die.   

Here's how things are:

1.  I broke a tooth this weekend; in all probability exposing a nerve that is causing me extreme pain at any pressure.  Dentist appt. tomorrow.  Thank goodness.  I could've gone today but I would've missed class and that was not happening.  Reasons why I suffer!  

2. I am sick.  No avoiding it.  Slight sore throat, mostly just runny nose and general sense of malaise.  It is as it is. 

3.  I have decided (as of last Wednesday) that when I got my assignment I'd de-virtualize it.  I'm doing this for real.  I am, as far as anyone is concerned, living with celiac disease for the next two weeks.  I'm thrilled (my mom will be too...).  

Okay, now because of 1 and 2, I just wanted some soup, something easy on the mouth, vitamin packed.   I have to kick this cold.  I have too much to do not to.  Because of 3, this was certainly not so easy.  

I'm yet to go to the store for my groceries (which I needed anyway, no big inconvenience) so I was thinking a nice condensed soup ought to do the trick.  Campbells.  Fine.  

NOT FINE.  So. not. fine.  Chicken noodle of any kind OUT thank you pasta... Okay.  Fine.  Nothing creamy because of the flour used to thicken it.  Less fine.  I don't eat tomato soup.  My options were drastically limited by this point.   I found one though.  Finally.  Oh boy.

Everything else in our house - gluten except for things you can't eat on their own.   You can have the peanut butter...but not the crackers or bread to put it on.   Vegetables and rice...okay, but no soy sauce or teriyaki.  It's going to be long.  I can already tell.  Can't WAIT to try eating out.  Side Salads much?  Oh god, the ranch? starch.  Edible starch is on the list of things NOT to eat.  Well damn.  

I am certainly investing in gluten-free flour for these two weeks.  

Also happening:  I'm finding a scale to watch my weight.  Don't want to accidentally lose 15 pounds.  That seems unhealthy.  It seems very possible.  I want to do this right, not kill my body (which is clearly already falling apart see 1 & 2).

Dinner's ready.
Campbell's Chicken Rice soup.